What we do…

Nation Group specializes in developing Indigenous-led projects that Nations need and want.





Indigenous Communities know the value of the lands within their ancestral territories and have served as stewards of their lands since time and memorial. Indigenous peoples believe that they must protect the land for the next seven generations and beyond. Today, that means developing environmental protection policies and asserting Aboriginal Rights and Title. Indigenous Communities now say “Nothing about us, without us” and know the importance of qualifying the ventures that they are requested to host, approve and co-own. 



Wealth encompasses all things of value but mostly people. Indigenous peoples include language and culture in this calculation. While Indigenous world views around the concept of wealth may seem different, everyone wishes to provide for their families and to leave a legacy for future generations. Indigenous Communities know that the ventures they endorse, host, and co-own today can build wealth for future generations tomorrow and conversely they know the loss of wealth many years ago continues to impact them today. Indigenous Communities have always sought to create and preserve multigenerational wealth and cultural knowledge. Nation Group exists to work with Indigenous Communities for this purpose and in accordance with their wishes. 



Indigenous Communities know the value of money and the economic trade-offs that must be made in order to feed families, participate in ventures, and cover day-to-day costs of living. Contrary to mainstream belief, Indigenous communities often had complex systems of money, resource management, exchange, and even taxation. Some First Nations communities have negotiated land-claim settlements and revenue-sharing agreements that have resulted in large Trust funds. Nation Group can help research strategies and develop a First Nation’s financial acumen to protect its holdings.

“Indigenous Communities know the value of the lands within their ancestral territories”




Private Equity

Sourcing investment capital, private equity comes from high-net-worth individuals and firms that participate in partnership opportunities. Most of the accredited private equity industry is made up of large institutions, such as pension funds, and private equity firms.

Debt Financing

Securing debt financing for Indigenous communities in the form of raising money for projects from banks, credit unions, institutional investors, and government institutions.


Who is going to answer the critical emergency and urgent phone calls at 3 in the morning 365 days a year? When should an Indigenous community raise private equity or debt? What kinds of projects are eligible for either type of financing? Who should Indigenous communities partner with and who should they avoid? These are the types of questions that Nation Group can help research with Indigenous communities. Each Indigenous Community has unique opportunities and challenges and Nation Group can work with communities to address them. Nation Group will gather information on project proponents, environmental impacts, and financial feasibility. Nation Group will serve to connect Indigenous Communities and Corporate Partners to ensure that all stakeholders benefit.
